Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When a Cat Lies At Your Feet

When a cat lies at your feet
good things are bound to happen
the sun will shine through your window
the rain will lull the day into nothingness
feathers will float
dust will stay settled
the vacuum is silent

When a cat lies at your feet
you can take account of your life
are you giving enough? 
are you calling your friends frequently?
is your job meaningful?
do your clothes match your personality?

When a cat lies at your feet
it's hard to get moving
crossword puzzles
naps under throws

When a cat lies at your feet
you just wonder...
what if I took flying lessons?
what if I signed up for a botany class?
does snowboarding really sound fun anymore?
is my life going the way I want it to?

When a cat lies at your feet
it means she's eaten
and all the world can be at peace
it means she doesn't need to go in and out and in and out the patio door
it means she contented
for a moment

When a cat lies at your feet
enjoy life
this thing we call our mind
our consciousness 
can do its thing
wander, create
solve, ponder
deny, affirm
rationalize, critique
be skeptical
be encouraging

be sleepy

which I am right now
you know why?
because there's a cat lying at my feet

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