Friday, November 13, 2015

I Swing

I swing because I was made for swinging
I dance because there's music in my shoes

I throw balls because I like to see things go where I aim them
I bounce balls because I like to see things come back to me

I lie on my back so I can see what's above me better
I lie on my back so I can better see what's above me
I lie on my back so I can see above me what's better

I sing because a little birdie asked me to
I stare because my brain has put on its emergency brake

I cry because I never do

I write because it's too late to play my guitar
I read so I can do something with my eyes besides burn things with my heat vision~duh!

I run because running frees my soles
I walk because I'm tired of watching things go by so fast
I drive because, well, I'm driven to...

I love because things grow when I do
I pray because life happens when I do
I worship because that's what I'm hard-wired for

I play my guitar because there's a wind in my fingers that needs to get out
I end because to go on would be presumptuous

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